Services included in monthly labour respresentation
- Verbal and written representation and advice
- Preparation of all monthly pay slips for employees
- Summary of all employment related monthly costs
- Quarterly declaration of retentions of employees
- Quarterly declaration of retentions of professionals .......
Services included in monthly labour respresentation
- Verbal and written representation and advice
- Preparation of all monthly pay slips for employees
- Summary of all employment related monthly costs
- Quarterly declaration of retentions of employees
- Quarterly declaration of retentions of professionals
- Annual summary of all retentions of employees and professionals
- Pay slips for self-employed
- Processing of paperwork when employees have an accident (at work) or illness bajas
- Monthly paperwork for social security
- Altas and bajas of employees on the social security via direct connection to the RED (Electronic Remission of Data) which allows all changes to be done in real time.
- Employee contracts
- Renovation and prolonging of contracts
- Preparation of finiquitos and (equivalent to UK P45) redundancy settlements
- Conciliation and representation before the Employment Tribunal of the Comunidad Valenciana for the resolution of Collective Conflicts
- Representation before the Social Courts
- Preparation of paperwork for foreigners
- Monthly circular with news related to employment issues
Services included in monthly accounting
- Collection of all documentation on a monthly basis
- Returning of all documentation directly to the company
- Monthly balance/report with all the book-keeping information that you need or simply for your own information
We will process all of your bookkeeping, with various arrangements available, with your preferences in mind.
Services included in monthly fiscal respresentation
- Verbal and written advice
- IVA declarations (quarterly and annual)
- Declaration of quarterly payments (papers modelo 130 and 131)
- Annual Tax Declaration (for the owner of the SL)
- Annual tax declaration for operations of more than 3.005,06 Euros
- Quarterly inter-community tax declarations
- Quarterly declaration of rentals
- Annual tax declaration of rentals
- Declaration of non-residents with permanent establishment (modelo 200)
- Declaration of non-residents without permanent establishment (modelo 210)
- Declaration modelo 211 – retention on transmission of property of non-residents
- Declaration modelo 213 – extraordinary obligation on property of non-resident companies
- Applications for Residencia Certificate
Official Documents:
- Grant applications
- Modification of census
- Requirements and resources for the Delegation of Hacienda
- Paperwork related to IAE (Tax on Economical Activities) such as modifications, altas, bajas, etc
- Application for postponement of taxes
- Monthly news on fiscal matters
- Inscriptions at the land registry of property, modifications, segregations
- Liquidation and paperwork of purchase deeds, donations and inheritances. Liquidation of modelo 600.
Inspections from Hacienda
- This includes all management, meetings, and representation of clients in the event of an inspection, necessary resources, reviewing the documentation to present, for those contracted with our company.
For those not contracted with our company all the above will be done, at a cost per hour.